1,632 Ashdenpaw1

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joined 2.0 years ago

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!!new favorite song!!
The Enemy Within - Rush
(Grace under pressure album)

(Started counting SP hits 2/2/24)

(Started counting scratch hits 4/5/24)

Hi! I’m Ashdenpaw or Ash. “Ashy” is strictly for friends only

Throwaway email: Thatguy2020arw@gmail.com
Roblox account
Scratch Account

I essentially get followers and stuff for being social on sp a lot

I’m currently offending devoted music artists and making AI music obsessively. Ask me for a good song with a genre and lyrics theme in mind and I’ll cook a masterpiece

I am a furry and I’m always hoping to make new friends in the fandom! 🐾

I am gender-fluid, I am a male, but I have shifts where I am feminine and masculine from time to time.
Usually feminine

I have an interest in radio equipment, EAS, Sirens, Music, Aviation, and some more stuff idk

I am proudly gay 🌈

Also know that I can really turn to aggressive quickly in random times. Please know that if I harmed you I am dearly sorry and that I am working on it

You can contact me on AirRaidSirens.Net Here

My funny meme list is Here (CLEAN)

You can contact me on Scratch Here but I recommend using my ARS profile
“Normalize running over toddlers”
-Graingy & Ash
Have y’all ever seen ghosts before?


I’ve seen ghosts. They’re freaky.



Why tf does the sun emoji look so goofy



My health class is awkward.


That’s the class I’m writing this in.


When you think about life, it can get heavy.


Hiding away in a fursuit doesn’t always help.


Sometimes you gotta let those feelings out.


Not sure how any of what I’m saying has to do with aircraft
But this is a description anyways.



Sometimes it feels like nobody is there to listen, y’know?


Just like those ghosts maybe.


Maybe they don’t want to be feared.


I wonder if ghosts are lonely sometimes.


Like when my boyfriend doesn’t message back the times I feel lonely.


Do ghosts have relationships?




You never know.
You can’t like interview them.
If only you could.

Thanks for hearing me out I guess. Unless you swiped to the bottom real quick to see what’s down here
You get a pickle 🥒

Previously known as Thatguy2020, AshdenpawTG22