1.10 Beta is now available
- Added Glass Fuselage part. This supports transparency, as well as hiding its front and back faces when connected to other glass parts. The glass will also shatter instead of exploding like other parts do.

- Added "Smooth Front" and "Smooth Back" options to fuselages. This alters the surface normals to make the shading of the joint appear seamless, without changing the actual shape of the parts. For this to work, there has to be another fuselage connected to the front or back connector and lined up.

- Added an
XML attribute to bombs and missiles (inlcudes torpedos). Default values are:
- Boom 25: 0.8
- Boom 50: 1.6
- Torpedo: 0.8
- Inferno : 1
- Cleaver : 1.8
- Guardian: 1
- Interceptor: 1
- Added 4 input expressions (Funky Trees) variables:
, true if there is a target selected, otherwise false.
, the heading to the selected target in degrees.
, the vertical angle to the selected target in degrees.
, the distance to the selected target in metres.
- Added a setting on iOS to change the framerate limit. (vSync already overrides the framerate limit on all other platforms)
- Upgraded to Unity 2019.4.8 (LTS). This did cause some issues with some mods which I think I have fixed up, but please test out as many mods as you can.
- Turned down physics update in the designer (there's not even any physics in the designer, so hey) for a small-ish FPS boost.
- By popular demand, allowed blueprint images to be shown while taking craft screenshots for an upload.
- Tentatively removed an overlap in the clip planes between the near and far cameras. This was done to remove a seam ages ago, but it made the glass look a bit worse. This is where we need you testers! If you see a "seam" across your vision that is perpendicular to the view direction and about 0.4m from the game camera, please tell us! I've not found it on anything I've tried, but older mobile hardware is a possibility.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue with connections that could lead to craft not loading in the designer - if you have any saved craft that would fail to load, try loading them again now.
- Fixed bug with using the rate of the speed of the aircraft in input expressions.
- Air-to-Air cannon prediction now disables when predictor quality set to off.
- Fixed string comparison in input expressions on mobile platforms.
- Orthographic keybind (default "C") disables when control is held, so it is not activated when trying to Ctrl+C.
- Casting from number to boolean in input expressions is now consistent across platforms (now it evaluates to n>0).
- Fixed some FT values on scaled cockpits - this could affect existing craft, if they have active stability programs and squashed cockpits.
- Using speed variables in input expressions on AI craft now return correct values.
Version 1.10.101 is now live on Steam and should be available on Google Play in a few hours and on iOS in a day or two. Changes are listed at the end of the main post above.
All thanks go to Nicky (@WNP78) for this update. He did all of the work and he even wrote the blog post! Nice work, Nicky!
If you find a bug, please submit a bug report here. The most helpful thing you can do is to describe how we can recreate the problem. The more likely we can reproduce the problem at the office, the more likely we can fix it.
Edit: iOS is now approved for beta testing and should be available in TestFlight. Refer to main post above for the link.
@JustNormalPerson sure.
@JuanNotAnAlt no you
@JustNormalPerson good boi :3
@JuanNotAnAlt bruh
@JustNormalPerson bruh
Please add "ExplosionDelay" on the 1.11 update so i could drop bomb at a low alt
@WNP78 When will there be another update? And what kind of changes are the devs thinking of adding
@AndrewGarrison and @WNP78, sir we need a procedural landing gear in the next and ,we all do appreciate your works and efforts but pleas we really need it and thanks
Am stuck on beta I can’t remove it it says beta no longer accpet new testers if I delete it all data is gone pls help how I remove beta
When will this update be available on the Amazon store?
I have the game already
I am using a DELL PC with Windows.
How do I update to 1.10?
Any replies??
But I'm not getting
Can u pleaseJust explain how to move our designs to a folder?
Device is android
@Numbers Thanks for the help, mate!
Heyo, just a quick question, where can i put in update suggestions?
Do you plan on adding tank tracks?
@EternalDarkness what do you meen pirated its modded
@FPSGAMING338official your comment has been removed. You have been issued a strike for distributing pirated version of the game.