Some of you may not know, but we've been working on a side project for a while, called Aero Effect. We've finally chosen a release date for Aero Effect: July 27th, 2017 and its launch price will be $1.99. It's been a lot of fun to work on and I can't wait to share it with everyone. Touch Arcade gave it some love today. You can check out the gameplay trailer here.
@AndrewGarrison Will this game be released on iOS? It looks like a really fun game!
@AndrewGarrison oh sweet thanks
@TheDragStrip They weren't ready yet. They are coming in 1.7
@AndrewGarrison I have a question. Why were torpedoes in 1.6 beta but are not in the final 1.6 for Mobile
@TheJellyCop well he's a bang-out (he plays it all the time)
My friend who left SP for Geometry Dash (dirty traitor) might return to the glory of Jundroo with this game...
I tested it. I'm real bad
@AndrewGarrison Another reason not to get an iOS device. XD
@AndrewGarrison hi I just wanted to say that this game is amazing and thank you for all the hard work you guys put into it
What YouTubers? I would like to watch some of the videos. :) Great game. @AndrewGarrison
@503rdAirborneSoldier Deciding what goes into an update is based not just on what is requested, but also how hard it is to implement. We have to find the cross section of what people want and what we can deliver in a reasonable amount of time. The 1.6 update was a small update, but we're already working on 1.7, which might even have some things you mentioned.
@bspboy The game has changed very little since the last beta. I have already given out all promo codes for the v1 to YouTubers and press, so I don't have any left for the launch version.
You are able to give promo codes out (I think 50). I think it's in iTunes connect. You could also use TestFlight to give it away, but then you would need to do a new one for updates or every 90 days. Will there be anything new in the actual game that wasn't in the Beta? @AndrewGarrison
@jamesPLANESii I agree. I wish I could give the game away for free to the iOS beta testers, but Apple doesn't have a way to do that.
What to do here? @AndrewGarrison
This looks awesome you have a soon buyer here
Kinda looks like Geometry Dash... but, Nice game Jundroo!!
Looks fun :) nice work guys!
Well if they payed for the beta it's ok but if it was free that would be the problem @AndrewGarrison @jamesPLANESii
That's crap. @AndrewGarrison
@CaesiciusPlanes iOS beta testers, unfortunately not. But Google Play beta testers already purchased the game to beta test, so it should be free for them.
Nice, you have my business :D
no, they still had to buy the game even for beta @CaesiciusPlanes
That looks neat.