1:jetliner101: 22 points/30
2:AZAMGAMING: 21 points/30
2:Jim1the1squid: 21 points/30
3:Noname918181: 20.5 points/30
4:franzpeterseigfried: 20 points/30
4: thelegitpilot13: 20 points/30
5:cardboard: 19.5 points/30
6: badplanesdotnet: 19 points/30
6:night6gamer: 19 points/30
7:axhellono: 14 points/30
@L3dg3ndary Interesting
Yup so that means there will be 2 second place prizes! @Noname918181
A tie on 2nd and 4th place I see
@Thelegitpilot13 thee shall come back
Lol @Thelegitpilot13
@AZAMGAMING Thou hath been dethroned.
@L3dg3ndary is it even a plane tho? Cuz dang that’s impressive
I know!!!! I didn’t even think of it! @Thelegitpilot13
@L3dg3ndary I ain’t even mad, that’s clever.
Now THAT is least parts! (Check for successors) it only has 4 parts! @Thelegitpilot13
1st place dooood!!
franz got 20 points out of 3?? Someone call hacks!
Oof... still got the least parts out of all of them. Lol
2md place boii
@L3dg3ndary it’s ok!
Oh yeah oops @Thelegitpilot13
Nice, can’t wait to see who wins! Also, wasn’t it 19 points? 8+7+4, right?