Set in 1940, None of that missle stuff, none of that super smart AA, just WW2
Invite: , remember to read the rules, toxicity will not be tolerated as well as warmongering. We experienced this in the SLRP server (rip) and hate it. We're the breakoff of what non-toxic SLRP memberships exist. Thanks
Clicky boi
As neat of an idea as that is, at least half the people in the server are in a Pacific timezone while the other are in European or American timezones...
Not to mention the doxxing threat happened at around 1-2pm at night, so it doesn't really change much.
Isn't it way more convenient than to accuse someone of doxxing in sole purpose of attacking said person when they're asleep?
@MrVaultech if you're really paranoid about it
Why don't you just implement a rule where it's prohibited to attack people when they're offline
From having to deal with him almost daily since the 11th of August, it seems plausible enough for him to of said, or even alluded to.
It sounds all sorts of sketchy to say, but I had stated in another forum of him alluding to a threat of war against me, then an hour later declared war against me.
@MrVaultech because pilot asked where KDS live?
I mean, no one even have evidence of him doing it apart from two person who just happened to be the moderator of said server and proceeds to permaban him without any concrete proof
But ok
wasn't just Pilot and me. Just because you weren't explicitly around to see everything doesn't mean crappy stuff came outta very vocal IDA members
@Quec "non toxic membership"
@ORNGe it wasn't even about IDAFOR and the rest
It was about pilotmario and vault
Pilotmario just happens to be part of IDA
Sounds like fun, but I’ll have to get Discord first.
@exosuit Non-toxic membership...
Do you mean the one Chris invited me but instead banning me as soon as I joined?
@KDS And cornflakes...
Can recommend, we have Wheaties!