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[NRPSP] the univeral combat treaty.

6,368 KDS  5.5 years ago

The following lists the details of the treaty that's name is in Russian and won't put Russian characters onto the site for some reason so we'll call it on SP by the title of this post's name, designed to thwart unusual and unhealthy warfare between nations.

(OOC: SLRP had a vary bare bones version of a treaty like this called Königsberg, that served as community guidelines on how to act and what was considerable as toxic behavior. This treaty will serve to do the same thing, but learning from the last ones failures and improve on them, as to prevent the same fate from occurring.)

Certain actions between nations during warfare can cause lasting hostilities between the two for a long time afterwards and affect the well being of the worldwide community. With this in mind, the ?????? hopes to soften the effects of warfare on nations overall minds. It also serves to lay groundwork for future conventions meant to prevent immoral and cruel acts of war. With keeping in mind wars are an inevitable thing, the ?????? will prevent major problems earlier treaties and concepts have prevented.

The following treaty terms are as followed:

-The declaration of war of one nation onto another cannot exist without logical reason.

-The accusation of a war crime being committed cannot be used by any conflicting countries without logical and solid evidence. These claims will be investigated by the USLN membership and then voted upon.

-A maximum limit to any one nations armies to 2 million soldiers in both reserve and active. If the total number of units exceeds this, it will be cast out.

-A war between nations after ending cannot be declared again for one weeks time (irl time). The nation must wait before declaring war on the same enemy once again.

-Until a minimum 24 hours has past since war declarations have been made, the declarer nor declared upon can ask for peace until that time has past.

-Once at least 48 hours have past and one battle fought, any attempts for peace talks or negotiations must be at least considered by the other party. (An independent moderator can step in and assist in these talks as needed or wanted, and aren’t necessary to be successful.)

-One combatant cannot twist or lie events that unfolded about another combatant. (aka, don’t make up false cannon or try and lie about it)

-in a battle, both combatants must be active and ready to fight before combat can occur.

-The creation of a coalition from major factions to assist the ICC in determining when a war crime has been committed or the UCT has been broken. The UCT coalition will consist of at least a member of every major faction or country, and will be elected from their respective factions to represent them. Every month (irl time), UCT coalition members will rotate out unless the major country somehow has nobody else to represent. (which really they should otherwise they ain’t that major)

This UCT treaty has laid the groundwork of respectable combat and future conventions meant to outline specific war crimes. Below is the following signers: