A Working Bolt Action Rifle! I have been really inactive in posting for the past probably 2 months, and that’s because I’ve been working on this project, his big project. I know this has been made by someone before, but this is my version.
T to be tagged
(Sorry for the crappy images. I’m on IOS)
16-D0-E7-F6-3-F0-D-4741-8443-5-FC2-E9-DAA100.png" />
057-F20-F0-7-E41-465-C-9-DED-99-D90-D319245.png" />
4-FBF7-AC1-5-E7-E-4-DFB-A496-77-D7-B7808-F61.png" />
The gun is currently 18,000 pounds, so probably the bullet would be 500 inch.@TurboSnail
@TurboSnail Considering the size of this massive gun, big.
Big ol’ T