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Electric Rotator Prop

1,516 atgxtg  5.5 years ago

I'm working on a plane with electric prop engines and while I got the basic idea down,and it works, but the the airplane jumps and wobbles a bit in flight. A gyro doesn't counteract this.

Does anyone know how to negate the jumping?

Here is the somewhat working prototype:

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    11.3k Shadodoom


    5.5 years ago
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    1,516 atgxtg

    Thanks I'll get it a try. The trick is to lower it while still being able to keep the plane airborne. I've been trying to reverse engineer BaconAircraft's E-Fan Engine to figure out why it is so stable.

    Okay, I slowed down the rotors (to get rid of the"pogo jump"), made the wings larger (to get more thrust) and then scaled the wings down to the right visual size, and it seems to work. Thanks.

    5.5 years ago
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    11.3k Shadodoom

    Fix: you’re putting too much power on the extremely light plane so turn the rotator speed down!

    +1 5.5 years ago