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6,852 Jim1the1Squid  5.5 years ago

Are we able to request tournaments?

If so, then here's my request:
A naval battle, with different types of ships, with 3-5 levels.
Lvl 1: "The Warm up", with a single Fletcher-class destroyer
Lvl 2:" Just Toying with you", involves two-3 Fletchers and a Tiny, just for fun.
Lvl 3: "You Asked for it!", with the 3 Fletchers, and add two Arleigh Burkes to the mix, stir, and destroy
Lvl 4: "Houston, We have a Problem...", with the Brown Pearl, three Arleigh Burkes, four Fletchers, and several Tiny's for good measure
Lvl 5: "I'm the Boss!", with three Pearls, four Arleigh Burkes, four Fletchers, and two Beast-class carriers.

Between every level, the competitor's plane will be refueled, and re-armed. To pass a level, the plane must destroy every ship.

The winner is the person who passes with the least amount of time.

This would be an unlimited-class tournament.