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Following a precedent set by the USS Langley (Teaser)

14.4k Avro683Lancaster  5.3 years ago

The USS Langley (AV-3)

(Technically the USS Wright (AV-1) )

Based on the Curtiss and Currituck-class Seaplane Tenders, and equipped with a Martin P5M-2 Marlin, armed with a single 5” turret, comes the US Navy Seaplane Tender (imaginative name indeed).


  • Part Count: 988
  • 5" Turret Ammunition: 20 shells
  • Marlin Armament: 4 750lb torpedoes
  • Top Speed: 26 mph

Will be posted at some point in the next week

Update: Posted

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    5.3 years ago
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    @AerialFighterSnakes yes, although I'm thinking of uploading an unlisted version without the aircraft for multiplayer (although entirely untested)

    5.3 years ago
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    7,109 Bearclaw189

    Wait till I show up with some Japanese five bombers, then your done for

    5.3 years ago
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    So the plane is included?

    5.3 years ago
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    It’s been implemented, with a winch range further than Maywar to Snowstone (>85mi) @thefalkenreich

    5.3 years ago
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    @thefalkenreich i was thinking of that, but didn't get around to properly designing it, although I could try implementing it now

    5.3 years ago
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    1. Yes, both cranes utilise magnets and can lift the aircraft back on. The marlin starts pointing forwards, and requires the forward crane to be lifted off, so pictures of the marlin on the rear crane are after a flight, when it is being recovered

    2. I intended for the aircraft to be armed with ~6 torpedoes in the nacelle bays, although SP physics means the torpedoes aren't part of the aircraft and thus are not usable, so the aircraft is unarmed

    5.3 years ago