So.. here is an update on the IS-M but I need help... badly. I need someone who is good with rounding to make the turret and its not the IS-2 turret its the Turret made for this tank.. which for those who dont know go to tanks.GG and look at the IS-M fully upgraded.
@FreeRangedLemon Yeah that one
@Baby oh, hmmmmm....
This gets me thinking now...
@Thelegitpilot13 That's one thing I tried but I kept failing and that's what angered me
@Baby It looks beautiful so far. What a I can think of doing is doing 2 rounded frames; one for the bottom, one for the top, then add panels in between to cover it. Then do the gun assembly.
@Thelegitpilot13 @AircraftoftheRedStar thank you though but yeah... it’s a very difficult turret and I’ve tried but I don’t understand how to do any of it and have gotten ungodly angry when I can’t do it.. I mean the hull is almost completely but I don’t want to upload a hull.
I really, REALLY wish I could help, but I cannot... I’m sorry.
The IS-M is one of my favorite tanks!!! Sorry I can't do it.