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Flags of the New roleplay

32.4k TheAceOwl  5.5 years ago

Six national flags

Couragian Empire

Burganian Regime

Kingdom of Feth

Waterling Federation

Kingdom of Maldock

Serpent Marauders

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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @DragonAerotech Im using overdrive, I think

    4.2 years ago
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    @TheOwlAce Have you been using the overdrive mod or are you still editing XML manually? I'm still fiddling around with overdrive and it's mostly the same as manual xml modding. Either way to make fuselage parts weightless it's simple. Just set massScale to 0 instead of 1. There is another way to reduce the weight of an overall aircraft and that involves using the fuel tank. You don't adjust the massScale on those though you reduce fuel and total to a negative number. For whatever reason it doesn't reduce the fuel carried but rather the mass instead. I believe if you wind up with a negative loaded weight bad things happen with the game though. I'd actually slipped a couple of those into one of your Bf-xxxs I had built with a higher fuel capacity and some of my own personal touches added. I haven't checked to see if it still works now after the past two or three updates though. Fair enough on the flag though..

    4.2 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @DragonAerotech The Kingdom doesn't have a flag yet. And Kinda, I need to figure out how to give fuselage blocks 0g or negative

    4.2 years ago
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    @TheOwlAce I see, that's an option too. I'm getting a definite Spanish Civil War vibe from those options. Given that one of the experiments with this project is giving wings an actual shape and using rotators for some of the control surfaces (maybe all by the time I'm done) it'd be a lot more simple to use just a color flash to signify the Marauders. What does Wathingla's flag look like? I was thinking that maybe since they're licensed privateers that they might have that symbol somewhere on their vessels and aircraft too.
    I'm curious, have you tried to make any airships using the new helicopter parts yet?

    4.2 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @DragonAerotech Green X on white could would, or simple dark green

    4.2 years ago
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    @TheOwlAce I've been wanting to experiment with a few things since I came back and I've been working on an aircraft that would fit into that category, I think, albeit the model I have started has spatted wheeled undercarriage. It shouldn't be hard to switch out to floats in a later version.
    I started with the image of the Fiat G.50 or Fokker XXI but she grew too big and started to resemble a single seat Northrop Gamma instead. I may yet make her a two seat long range light scout bomber.
    After this, I'll probably submit the 105 foot class patrol boat I've been working on for the marauders too. She is prop powered (though I used VTOL to cheat for tighter turns) and has some real neat deck cannons in open mounts borrowed from MrVaultech. (Though I altered them a little to fit the control method I wanted.)
    I'm still gaming how to install and deploy a torpedo from such a small patrol boat. I know there are torpedo tube launchers people have shared but I'll be scaling them up by 4 and want to project them out to either side.
    The next aircraft I do I want to try to do a "full" cockpit. This one just has a shade box thing going on for what's under the canopy side level.
    BTW is a Green X on a white background good enough for their wing/tail/flag markings? I'm not too confident in reproducing the serpent...

    4.2 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @DragonAerotech THey used to operate on the water but now use seaplanes mostly.
    And exactly, 30s Dieselpunk

    4.2 years ago
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    @TheOwlAce Sounds kinda steam-punk like which can be fun in and of itself. You really have got a thing for airships, don't you? I still haven't built one...
    Seems that biplanes, parasol wing monoplanes, gull wing monoplanes, boxy bombers and racer type monoplane adaptations as fighters would be the flavor of the game? I wonder if the arrestor hook would work for trapeze type fighters from airships? Making rare earth metals exceedingly rare is a good way to keep tech levels down. Are the Serpent Marauders purely a surface navy/airship organization or do they have an air arm too?

    4.2 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @DragonAerotech Well they started as pirates but after a offer by that kingdom, they became privateers. Wathingla is in a hostile cease fire with Maldock and a uneasy truce with the Couragian Empire. Everyone is at a sudo-20s, 30s, era tech. With flying warships and normal water ships. Couragia, and Maldock do have jet prototypes but rare earths are very scarce, rarer than our world.

    4.2 years ago
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    @TheOwlAce Oh okay, so kind of like a Private Military Corps. Can you tell me anything more about the Serpent Marauders themselves and who is Wathingla Kingdom at war with? Furthermore what level of tech is Burganian aircraft technology at? I can't definitely say I'm in but I think it could be fun. Right now I'm in a tinkering phase but my most productive time here on SP was when I was making stuff for your RP back when. :-)

    4.2 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @DragonAerotech this RP is still in development, and its only me right now

    4.2 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @DragonAerotech The Serpent Marauders are under the employment of the Wathingla Kingdom. some of their aircraft are imports from Burgania

    4.2 years ago
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    @TheOwlAce Ah okay, cool. I'd never heard of a fantasy mapmaker being available online. Gosh, I haven't genuinely RP'd in over a decade now, unless you count the Se Suomi Imperiumi/Germanian Empire thing. How long did this RP go on for and how many members did you have active? Are the Serpent Marauders like a bandit/pirate/mercenary group or something I don't see a corresponding nation for them? If I were to choose I like the simplicity of that flag for markings ... or possibly Waterling if you did it simple-like.

    4.2 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @DragonAerotech and here are their flags

    4.2 years ago
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    @TheOwlAce use gifyu

    4.2 years ago
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    @TheOwlAce it sometimes works, sometimes doesn't, and pictures are only hosted for a limited time.

    4.2 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @EternalDarkness oh and that no longer works?

    4.2 years ago
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    @TheOwlAce you used imgur.

    4.2 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @EternalDarkness what happened to my pictures?

    4.2 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    Where are my flags :<

    4.2 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @Thelegitpilot13 i hadnt been on here alot, but theres your explanation

    4.7 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @Thelegitpilot13 yeah sorry xvx

    4.7 years ago
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    @TheOwlAce 8 months ago lol

    4.7 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @Thelegitpilot13 again, inbreed 14yo, he doesnt care he just wants his name on the flag

    4.7 years ago
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    5.4 years ago
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