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New my video | Exclusive Promotion VF-3500S

18.0k AtlasSP  5.5 years ago

Hello, my new video after more than 1 month of pausing, next episode I will start creating 30 episodes of SP video and ... if you support me "Upvote" right below.
And on video is my friend's the plane VF-3500S Crusader Valkyrie.
watch on Youtube

View and support the players who submitted the build here:

Also if you want me to make your design so on video, please leave the link below
"like" video just let me know if you support me.

Priority for new designs posted and less than 1000 parts. However, there is no Required Mods.

In addition, my friend, for some ridiculous reasons, hackk's pc was died for months and now he told me to take over his GMAI till he came back to SP (probably hackk's account ) =>
So if you're curious about the next creation, don't hesitate to click on the page and Follow him now. ;)

Add T to register the tag in my all next post,N to unsubscribe the tag.

Welcome back my post!