This is a weekly SP and SR2 Newspaper. You all are gonna be the sources which I will create a different forum for.
Hey boys! What’s up? Fake news? Despicable!@XxMegamonsterxX
Check the place for sources
So do we write it for you or recommend stuff? I'd rather just be lazy and look at the SPW bc I've liked that for a long time. And I just sit back and do nothing but it gets released, so I still get to be lazy
Hey boys! What’s up? Fake news? Despicable!@XxMegamonsterxX
Check the place for sources
So do we write it for you or recommend stuff? I'd rather just be lazy and look at the SPW bc I've liked that for a long time. And I just sit back and do nothing but it gets released, so I still get to be lazy