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[SPMRP] New story?

6,852 Jim1the1Squid  5.5 years ago

So, TheFantasticTyphoon requested for me to write a story featuring the SPMRP and the Space-carrier Deutschland.

Here's a sneak peek

The Fortitude becomes the Cavalier

A background of the USS Fortitude (BB-6)

The USS Fortitude is a WWI era super-dreadnought that was originally laid down as an armored cruise liner, but was later converted to a battleship in the latter half of the war when the USW joined in. The USW was around long before all of the countries divided and formed what is now known as the Simple Landia Roleplay, although the USW didn’t come out of isolation until early 2019. The Fortitude served in the first and second World War and served in Korea before being scuttled as a diving attraction. She was refloated later and underwent modernization. Originally, she had 13x 16.5-inch cannons with a maximum range of 24 miles, and dozens upon dozens of various anti-aircraft weapons, including Bofors 40mm and Oerlikon 20mm cannons. During modernization, she was refitted to carry electromagnetic railguns that could fire up to 670 miles away, surpassing every known record for the farthest a shell has ever been fired. She was also refitted to carry up to 6 Phalanx CIWS and/or Dragon LCIWS systems. The Dragon system is a form of CIWS that employs the usage of high-intensity lasers to destroy incoming shells, missiles, torpedoes, and other numerous objects. The Fortitude was very intimidating then, and even more so now.

The Fortitude was underway to NovrdLisch of the Saltwater Carrier Nation, and the crew was curious as to why. They had been awoken in the middle of the night, told to ready themselves and the ship for a long trip. As the Fortitude cruised along, almost silently, the skipper decided to have a little "fun" before he had to give her up. The order was given, and the battleship's massive 16.5-inch electromagnetic railguns slowly turned for a full broadside. The crew expected an enormous BOOM to rattle the ship, but instead received a whirring sound, slowly gaining in power, until "FOOOM!!!" The ship did rattle, but not as much as was expected. There was no muzzle flash, but a few bits of something flying out of the barrels. The crew was still getting used to the new technology, evidently. The drone that was launched for sighting and spotting the shells recorded the impact and sent it back for entertainment. The crew gathered on the fantail and watched the impacts on a screen that was set up. They could see the target ship, the empty hulk of the old USS Gallifrey (BBH-1), blown to smithereens. One of the crew members, Ensign John H. Smith, said, "Now you see it, Now you don't!" Within seconds, the ship sank and was claimed by Davy Jones.

There will be more to come, so Stay Tuned!!!

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    1,921 CaptainEssen

    If you go back through my posts and read "The Rift: Prologue", you can get the basic idea, the ship was fresh out of the ship yard.

    5.5 years ago
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    @CaptainEssen I will include the Deutschland, but I'm not sure about the background.

    5.5 years ago
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    1,921 CaptainEssen

    That didn't answer my question. I'm aware it's a teaser, I just want to make sure that you aren't trying to make a backstory for the Deutschland.

    5.5 years ago
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    @CaptainEssen this is the teaser. The rest is yet to come.

    5.5 years ago
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    1,921 CaptainEssen

    What part does the Deutschland play into this? Just so we're on the same page, so to speak.

    5.5 years ago
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    40.2k Typhoon03

    Very good!

    5.5 years ago
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    5.5 years ago