As the controller of Germany I am asking @Jim1the1Squid if I can nuclearize. The idea has been tossed around several times in the Bundestag and I have decided it is time to act on it. We have already begun the construction of a small Nuclear weapons construction facility in the northern Rhineland, and An ICBM construction site is being set up in Schleswig-Holstein the project is ready to be canceled if NATO is to refuse. If the project is allowed I would like permission to test our nukes on a uninhabited pacific island. Hopefully we won’t screw up the building of this place.
Sweet @Jim1the1Squid
Permission granted.
Go check out @Jim1the1Squid he has a joining link on his post@TrislandianAlliance
Same I’ve been nucleararized for quite a while now if you want or need any weapons or reactors just ask me@LlamaIndustries
@LlamaIndustries well Im already nuclearized so
Btw I Want To Join
Ok thanks for telling me @Aeromen
Or we could make a deal ex: I get to keep producing them in the Rhineland but you are able to purchase them @Theflyingtrex
And no I didn’t see what you were going to do@Theflyingtrex
We can build it somewhere else, Ex: Bavaria @Theflyingtrex
You are too close to me... Did you see what i was going to do if jims nuclear warhead radiates belgium?