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A criminally underrated plane (sort of)

31.9k NecoArcBubbles  5.5 years ago

The "Highest Rated" section isn't exactly where you'd expect to find something worthy of being called underrated. In fact, the #1 plane is as overrated as it could possibly be. However, just below it are several much better builds with only a fraction of the upvotes. Today we look at the Antonov An-225 by CjrLdy, in an attempt to give it the recognition it deserves.

At its part count of 2167, users on lower end devices might have a bit of trouble running it, but if you are able to download the An-225, you will see that it is worth every part. Among the plane's numerous features are fully working custom control surfaces, custom landing gear, and flaps, not to mention the two massive cargo doors on the front and rear. The fuselage is almost entirely paneled so you could even drive a vehicle inside it if you wanted to. But the mainstay of the plane has to be its fully detailed cockpit. With working controls for most inputs, it is fun to watch everything move around as you control it.

Don't just take my word for it, here is what FreeRangedLemon had to say about this amazing plane;

"This plane has been well planned, includes many details and a working cockpit! And last but not least... my iPhone didn't explode!"
Well, I guess it's mobile friendly after all!

CjrLdy's An-225 may be the second most upvoted plane on the site, but that doesn't mean it's not underrated. I recommend everyone to check it out sometime.

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    41.9k Ren


    4.3 years ago
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    Lmao for some reason I see you commenting in every old drama I have witnessed

    4.3 years ago
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    41.9k Ren

    The P-51D-30 was a groundbreaking plane at its time. We can all accept that. However, nowadays, it looks ugly. The blockiness and messy design KILLS the look. Its one of the most overrated planes IMO. Not gonna compare to a certain aircraft that starts with a G and ends with a R. CoughcoughGermanCorsairCough. The An 225 is very worthy of the top spot. However, there is another...very worthy of the top spot, but it is eliminated by mobile friendlyness, which is next to none. Sadly, the P-51 will never be taken down by another. I've downloaded this thing and could rant compared to newer aircraft for hours upon hours. Great aircraft, that AN 225.

    4.3 years ago
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    11.3k DOX

    @BogdanX I think the plane is more of a thing to look at not to fly XD

    5.5 years ago
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    @HarryBen47 I get that. But if he spent 6 months like he claims on the details, while also trying to get it fly with (likely) changed physics from today's build, I'd hope it does well (many cheats we have today might not have existed back then. I'm not sure about this, though, since I am a mobile user and wasn't active at that time.).

    5.5 years ago
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    While yes I wholeheartedly agree that the P-51D-30 that currently and probably will forever hold the number one place in upvote count is extremely overrated now, it didn't used to be. When it was posted on that faithful day 4 years ago, it had some qualities that were completely unheard of and completely pushed SimplePlanes to it's limits. Quote from aircraftarsenal123:

    To anyone who thinks this plane doesn’t derserve what it’s got: this masterpiece was made well before over half the parts in the current game were even a thing, and hollow cockpits were pretty much nonexistent. 3D wings were not invented, and finetuner or other easy forms of XML and modding (not to mention actual mods) were not yet thought of. This is in fact the plane that pushed all boundaries of its time.

    Honestly I feel the only reason why that P-51 has 1,000 upvotes today is because we just wanted it to get to 1,000, solely for the meme of it. When you think about it for a while, it actually makes a bit of sense that the P-51 got as many upvotes as it did and still has;

    Imagine we're playing SimplePlanes, (hard to imagine amiright xdd) and all of a sudden, the Devs give one really good platinum player every single tool and every single new part, feature, and everything from every future update to come. Now, with those new parts and features, that player is sure to build something absolutely astonishingly incredible, right? Keep in mind that this is one player, so every single player except for that one selected player is still in version 1.8. Ignoring that we would need their current version to actually download the plane, let's say they upload a plane and it includes every single feature they were given. That plane would amaze everyone, nobody would know how they made all those cool features, and every one of the users would be absolutely dumbfounded!
    Now, imagine that very scene, but four years ago. That's basically how everyone reacted when that P-51 was uploaded to SimplePlanes.


    +6 5.5 years ago
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    12.6k HNL47

    @Thelegitpilot13 I always think that a beautiful plane is a planr that at least flying well wether or not it's OP detail it's not really much to me

    5.5 years ago
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    @IStoleYourMeme true. I’m quite sure the physics changed in the 2 years since it was posted.
    But allow me to summarize this post in a few words:
    OP: Hey, check out this plane. It’s really detailed.
    Me: but the meme will die.
    A-Man: eh, memes aren’t that good here anyways-

    +2 5.5 years ago
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    congrats, you saw straight through the ruse and still nobody else picked up on it. i actually agree with the elitist clowns who typed up an essay but they do not give enough credit to the level of detail or functionality which, despite its flaws, is still objectively leagues above the p(ile of crap)-51 which also flies like garbage and has simply failed to stand the test of time. @Thelegitpilot13

    +3 5.5 years ago
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    16.9k YourWife

    No, it's not underrated at all
    It barely functions as a plane

    +1 5.5 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    You and CjrLdy have such similar Gravatars, I thought you were talking about your own plane. XD

    +1 5.5 years ago
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    28.1k Armyguy1534


    5.5 years ago
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    Ikr @BogdanX

    5.5 years ago
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    BTW drag edit didn’t exist when this plane was built. However, to compensate, the plane should have been made heavier p, not lighter lol @BogdanX

    5.5 years ago
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    3km of wing area lol @BogdanX

    5.5 years ago
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    The P-51 at tp spot, if you look at other planes that were built around that time, that plane is head, shoulders, knees and toes above everything else built back then. Also it had a custom cockpit, something that was pretty much impossible to make back then since nudging and scaling didn’t exist back then, and you could only adjust fuselage blocks in 0.5 intervals (which is also the reason why Rohan’s cockpit is so highly rated). The reason why it doesn’t fly very well is because, once upon a time it did, but the updates to SP didn’t do it so well.

    +1 5.5 years ago
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    I wouldn’t exactly call an AN-225 that is critically underweight, has infinite fuel, can fly at 35mph and climb vertically while having over 420 upvotes “criminally underrated”.
    I mean, sure, the detail is insane and it looks great, but personally, I think this plane is a monument that people only upvote on looks and don’t give a crap about how things fly. Also there are other planes now that have even more detail and quality and also fly really well that have far less upvotes.
    No offence though. CjrLdy’s other creations are great, and I think we can agree that he is one of, if not, the best builder on the site. His creations are amazing, specially his later ones. :)

    +5 5.5 years ago
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    I see you trying to undermine the 420 upvote meme!

    Though legitimately it is a great plane and deserves all the love it can get.

    +8 5.5 years ago