I never realized that there was 5544 pages of users! OMG I am utterly gobsmacked!!!
Wow you actually had the time and patience to go through that.
The highest I got was 2855 pages
And only 10% will upvote our stuff
There are
*Spits drink * *takes another sip * *spits it again *
@Awsomur I'm glad I helped!
@IStoleYourMeme Probably another off-topic thing. lol
cool. any plans for what your 6th forum post today will be?
Sad that not even half of those accounts are active
“Gobsmacked” is my new favorite word. @Jim1the1Squid
Just LOOK at the page number!!! @Awsomur BTW I chose you because I was just reading the SPW, and you were on my mind.
Wow you actually had the time and patience to go through that.
The highest I got was 2855 pages
And only 10% will upvote our stuff
There are
188,784 regestered Users!
*Spits drink *
*takes another sip *
*spits it again *
@Awsomur I'm glad I helped!
@IStoleYourMeme Probably another off-topic thing.
cool. any plans for what your 6th forum post today will be?
Sad that not even half of those accounts are active
“Gobsmacked” is my new favorite word.
Just LOOK at the page number!!!
BTW I chose you because I was just reading the SPW, and you were on my mind.