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[CASE CLOSED] UFOs in SimplePlanes? (Read Description)

14.2k DrakonDynamics  5.5 years ago

Hello everyone! Has anybody else seen aircraft in their games when AI Aircraft is turned off? I’ve seen about 7 of these in-game now. I didn’t pay attention to them, thinking they were debris or something. Until I saw the one at Krakabloa today. I was testing my new version of my friend’s Aerovanced AV-4, which I had rebuilt, when I noticed a disk rising from the crater of the volcano. It tilted upright, and continued to rise. When I flew to it, it smashed itself back into the crater, destroying itself and any evidence left of it. Another I witnessed was at Snowstone. I was testing my LS-70 tank, when I noticed something descending from the sky, right in front of the ice base. I just sat there, bewildered by the sight. I watched it descend until it disappeared by the mountains, near the Avalanche Airport. When I teleported over to the airport for a look, it was gone. Of course, it had exploded and blown all of its evidence into the sea. Also, I can acquire a lock on these things, but two things stand out. 1. They are unnamed. Just a green box with the distance underneath. And 2., they always seem to destroy my missiles before they reach the craft. Are these UFOs an Easter egg? A glitch? Are aircraft still spawning even when AI is turned off? I don’t need sleep, I need answers.

Here are some pictures of the crafts.



UPDATE Sept. 15th: No UFOs in SimplePlanes after all... This is a mod my brother installed on my desktop 2 days ago. For the last 2 days, he led me to believe that they were UFOs, but now I know that these are unlimited fuel tanks. My brother won’t tell me who made the mod, he just told me that it IS a mod. I’m not letting him play SP on my things again...

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    Ladder Safety Rules: Protecting Yourself and OthersLadders are essential tools in many industries and households, allowing us to reach heights and complete tasks that would otherwise be impossible. best extension ladder 2023

    1.7 years ago
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    @BigBoy772 in yo dream

    3.6 years ago
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    @Weirddude124 nah bruh, it aint cap. The 4th kind proved it, its exactly 3:33 AM. Shit goes crazy

    3.6 years ago
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    when i put my air to air i think it said mig but its a flying disk

    3.6 years ago
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    3.6 years ago
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    @BigBoy772 3am is fucking fake they all want is subscriber stop being childish

    3.6 years ago
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    i saw one close to the uss beast but i lagged i think its just a jet i forgot what its called but its unidentified flying object

    3.6 years ago
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    Bro 3:33 am is alien hotspot, something creepy is goin on here

    4.3 years ago
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    3,370 Snowdog

    I saw a red light in the sky I think its part of the rocket I launched but u think its a ufo I was at or pm

    4.5 years ago
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    how can i activate this Easter Egg????

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    26.1k POTETOZ

    Well im pretty sure this was a bug, I was flying between Wright airport and uss beast and a black round thing passed really fast in front of me, but I'm still thinking it's a bug

    +2 5.5 years ago
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    That’s true @Aeromen

    5.5 years ago
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    I’m not sure. My brother won’t tell me the name. He only says it gives you unlimited fuel, which it does not do.@BeryllCorp

    5.5 years ago
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    8,632 BeryllCorp

    what mod?

    5.5 years ago
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    Lol rip

    5.5 years ago
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    Lol. 👍@JohnnyBoythePilot

    +1 5.5 years ago
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    I've seen plenty of UFO's in SP except they were all made by meee

    5.5 years ago
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    Your brother trolled you good! XD

    +1 5.5 years ago
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    Well turns out your brother downloaded a mod to troll you......
    Dang I actually thought there were actual UFOs on simpleplanes

    +1 5.5 years ago
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    5.5 years ago
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    Sorry about that! Zooming in and cropping a photo decreases quality @SubXTribe

    5.5 years ago
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    10.0k Poro

    Why does every UFO related photo is always blurry.

    +1 5.5 years ago
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    Honestly, I think I have came across one of those, I had air to air on cause well, i was killing ai, then out of no where when I think I was near the beasts destroyers and some random h*ckin thing flew close by so it was on screen and then off within a fraction of a second ish. If only I had proof of it, which I dont unfortunately u-u

    This comes off of memory, btw

    5.5 years ago
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    While yes, this is very mysterious, you could easily just be saying that you saw UFOs in the game, when really you just spawned something in, and told us AI was off.
    I'm not saying I disagree, but I'm just saying people could easily mistake this for that, it isn't exactly the easiest thing to tell if someone is lying or not when you're on the internet.
    Pretty cool though, I wonder if it's a little Easter-Egg that was coded into the game that we don't know about.

    +4 5.5 years ago
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    8,069 Ryn176

    ay blin
    the western spies have advanced
    time to bring out the ZSU-23-4, there's nothing that it couldn't shoot down

    +2 5.5 years ago
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