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How to download an aircraft with mods on any platform

11.3k Shadodoom  5.5 years ago

Not many people have access to mods, so I decided to share this!

It’s so stupidly easy, all you do is download the air plane with the mod(s), then press undo, then redo and bam! There you have it. You don’t get the plane with the mod so there might be missing parts.

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    holy mac and cheese its the next step in evolution

    5.5 years ago
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    107k Kerbango

    Yes you get the vehicle, but you'd still don't get the mod. You have to have the mod installed and enabled for any mod to work.

    +1 5.5 years ago
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    16.4k Aarons123

    Damn, I thought I was the only person to know this exists, it was like a sub par super power that only I had

    +5 5.5 years ago