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Project S.O.A.R. Proposal and announcement

3,077 RAMAaircraft  5.3 years ago

Sailplanes Optimized for Aerobatics and Racing----- its exactly as it says but i'm talking like the good sailplanes and as a glider pilot I think this would be a cool concept for making ultra realistic high performance gliders that will work for those no engine challenges and community tournaments... i have already flown a few concept gliders that could make the cut not only just for gliding but the aerobatics and racing part.

the trainer glider--
This glider is as basic as it gets as far as control and flying
-20-30 ft length 30-40 ft wingspan 7ish foot height
- max speed 146 mph in cruise , 234 mph in a dive
- optimum glide speed 80 mph
- stall speed 26 mph

feel free to share ideas and updates coming soon

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    3,077 RAMAaircraft

    @FreeRangedLemon Yikes? lol

    5.3 years ago
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    3,077 RAMAaircraft

    @Thelegitpilot13 your glider is now complete happy flying just read the description first

    5.3 years ago
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    @jaredgamer perfect!

    5.3 years ago
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    3,077 RAMAaircraft

    @Thelegitpilot13 the training glider (Inspire I) Will be released today for you to try out

    5.3 years ago
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    As a student pilot who’s solo’d in a glider, this has me very intrigued.

    5.3 years ago