@Awsomur twitch bad YouTube good
At least YouTube only fricks up their copyright system and kept everything else on line
On twitch everything is basically just a bunch of airwreck
They just banned another female streamer for “suggestive” content, but all she did was wear an anime costume that showed hardly no skin. They’re a bunch of bloody hypocrites over there.
@Mod remember when twitch banned a streamer for having an opinion but let alinity keep abusing her cat in her streams
Every day, we stray further from god.
Yeah fr
@Awsomur twitch bad YouTube good
At least YouTube only fricks up their copyright system and kept everything else on line
On twitch everything is basically just a bunch of airwreck
They just banned another female streamer for “suggestive” content, but all she did was wear an anime costume that showed hardly no skin. They’re a bunch of bloody hypocrites over there.
DLive good
Mixer good
YouTube streaming good
Discord good
Twitch bad
@FishMiner and that's a fact
@CruzerBlade to those people there never was a god to stray away from.
And I sit here, alone, with neither.
@Mod remember when twitch banned a streamer for having an opinion but let alinity keep abusing her cat in her streams
Every day, we stray further from god.
twitch bad discord good
Ew twitch