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The First Minecraft War/Election MINI game!

4,215 IlikeToFlyandcrash  5.5 years ago

Ok this is the worlds first horror game! It sounds and looks like a normal Minecraft Election but No! There is a terrorist in the crowd! And his destroyer drone! Can you race against time and get rid the terrorist and his spy drone equipped with missiles! But your not alone! The guard with the sad faced shirt next to the president is equipped with guns and people throwing torches! CAN YOU DO IT!?! Here are the Directions...

Controls & directions.
Trim; move the guards arm
VTOL; move the guards arm
Throttle; move the terrorists spy plane up and down!
Act.1; Fling the terrorist! Lol!
Cam1; gun sight for guard!
Cam2; presidents view
Guns; use as directed below!

Background story;

The sun was high in the sky and the president was giving a speech. People are cheering and holding signs and listening. But all the sudden someone yells! “President Die” Everybody turns to the voice, someone holding a button and a bomb on his back steps forward and brings the throttle up to 100% (Bring the Throttle up to 100%) and a spy drone comes up from the back of the crowd! The guard with the weird shirt behind the president takes aim and shoots the drone! (AIM as best you can towards the drone using Trim VTOL and Cam1 and fire! Or you can fire the missile and blow up the entire thing!) The terrorist is stunned and amazed but he regains his courage and preparing to blow up the guard yells “Be Gone Idiot” and pushing Act1 (push act1) throwing the bomber into the wild blue yonder!
The End!