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[SPMRP] Sudden Fury

40.2k Typhoon03  5.4 years ago

At 10:58 a large BoC raiding force attacked the Saltwater Carrier Nation. Twelve torpedo boats and a destroyer charged into Saltwater waters, bombarding shipping. The defences went into overdrive: six AC-M47E Libellule fighters and four Dark Arrows were scrambled into action, eight Scorpion-class torpedo boats and the Devastator-class destroyer SWS Eagle raced to meet the attackers and eight Osprey II strike fighters were diverted from exercises.
The Dark Arrows quickly despatched the destroyer, but the torpedo boats appeared more elusive. Three were destroyed by the Saltwater Navy fleet. Four FF-17-B Falcons fired attack drones into the enemy force, destroying three more. The Libellule stealth fighters destroyed two, as did the Osprey IIs. Finally, after a three hour struggle, one more raider was eliminated by a Hellfire MAD-T defence turret.
However the last torpedo craft evidently saw the writing on the wall and rammed the nearest vessel in a suicide attack. Unfortunately this ship was the vintage cruise liner SS North Devon, which had a 35 metre wide hole ripped into her by the explosion. After 45 minutes the huge liner rolled over and sank, taking 2400 passengers with her.
Having seen the raiding force devastated by the defences a BoC cruiser charged towards NovrdLisch, firing a salvo into a residential district and killing 60 civilians. Two Dark Arrows that had been circling at 9,000 feet dived in to attack the aggressor, but were smashed out the sky by a pair of surface to air missiles. At this point, having been calibrating her weapons for most of the battle, the space-carrier Deutschland rounded Despondent Point. As she passed over the grave of the old Saltwater fleet she fired a full broadside, reducing the Brotherhood vessel to a floating wreck.
As UH-60 Black Hawks and Archer-class minesweepers headed out to pick up survivors the exhausted defenders returned to base. The attack had taken a heavy toll on the Saltwater forces.
Allied Losses:
1 Osprey II destroyed.
2 Osprey IIs damaged.
2 Hellfire MAD-T turrets damaged.
2 Dark Arrows destroyed.
1 Dark Arrow damaged.
2 Scorpion-class torpedo boats destroyed.
2 Scorpion-class torpedo boats damaged.
26 killed.
5 wounded.
BoC Losses:
One cruiser sunk.
One destroyer sunk.
Eleven torpedo boats destroyed.
One torpedo boat scuttled in ramming attack.
1024 killed.
112 captured.
Civilian Losses:
2498 killed.
787 wounded.
113 houses and flats destroyed or damaged.
57 vehicles destroyed or damaged.
The Saltwater Armed Forces high-command has decided that the Brotherhood leadership must be eliminated, and therefore the SWS Retribution; escorted by the SWS Eagle, SWS Meteor, SWS Merlin and SWS Dragon; has been deployed. It has five S-3 Vikings, five Merlin AWACS, ten Sweepstreak Peregrines, fifteen Osprey IIs, ten Dark Arrows and five V-22 Ospreys on board, as well as five Terminator-Es and ten UH-60 Black Hawks. It also has 120 RSD.1 Nemesis scout drones and three cropdusters loaded. The Saltwater Carrier Nation also asks her allies to contribute to the fleet.

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    40.2k Typhoon03

    I'll also send in a wave of cruise missiles to cover your landings on Maywar. Our aircraft can provide close air support.
    There are also Warburg Navy battleships with cruise missiles and railguns in the area, so I'm sure Jim1the1Squid would appreciate it if you included them in some way.

    5.4 years ago
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    7,875 MTakach

    This is the CRSF Argus to Unknown spacecraft identify yourself!

    5.4 years ago
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    40.2k Typhoon03

    Pick up that shuttle and its crew then take them to the Deutschland for analysis.

    5.4 years ago
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    40.2k Typhoon03

    Sounds good to me!

    5.4 years ago
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    1,921 CaptainEssen

    I don't believe we created any dimensional wormholes.

    5.4 years ago
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    1,921 CaptainEssen

    Okay, I'll send a report once the battle is finished.

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    7,875 MTakach

    ARGUS: focusing transmission. got it!

    *I repeat This is crenian shuttlecraft Domorian requesting support does anyone copy? *

    The Government Collapsed and the Segrani Government has taken over. from the 7th moon of Saturn

    Argus Navigator to the commander: but there are only 5 moons that Saturn has. and we've made that positive.

    5.4 years ago
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    40.2k Typhoon03

    Oh, ok. I'll airdrop forces just behind the landing beaches. They will have 5 Earthquake ALS light tanks with them. I'm also sending the following forces on a pre-invasion air strike:
    10 Osprey IIs.
    6 Dark Arrows.
    6 Peregrines.
    80 RSD.1 Nemesis drones.

    5.4 years ago
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    1,921 CaptainEssen

    Figure of speech, I mean they won't be holding anything on Maywar for much longer.

    5.4 years ago
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    40.2k Typhoon03

    See about what?

    5.4 years ago
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    1,921 CaptainEssen

    Will someone please clear up that transmission!

    5.4 years ago
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    1,921 CaptainEssen

    We'll see about that once I'm through with them. I'm sending a company of Galactic Marines to strike at the enemy's rear.

    5.4 years ago
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    7,875 MTakach

    thi- shuttlecr-r-r-r-FfffT-t-t-t Domorian .

    RQu-u-uest Im-ediate support. anyone copy?

    * Gove--ment collapse, Th-- Segrani Government--taken over*

    5.4 years ago
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    40.2k Typhoon03

    I can confirm that the Brotherhood of Chaos hold roughly 1/5 of Maywar. They are fighting the civilian population for control of the island.

    5.4 years ago
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    1,921 CaptainEssen

    Well that's odd.

    5.4 years ago
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    Good point...
    I really need to work on how I RP.

    5.4 years ago
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    7,875 MTakach


    there is a symbol on it that represents the old CR roundel ( A Black star with a green "X" behind it)

    5.4 years ago
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    40.2k Typhoon03

    Can you capture it?

    5.4 years ago
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    7,875 MTakach

    Contact seems to be a small shuttle craft

    5.4 years ago
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    40.2k Typhoon03

    The Saltwater Carrier Nation is limited in space technology I'm afraid. The SWS Agamemnon is currently tied up in Hamalia.

    5.4 years ago
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    1,921 CaptainEssen

    The Deutschland is in no position to enter space right now, you are on your own right now.

    5.4 years ago
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    7,875 MTakach

    @TheFantasticTyphoon the CRSF Argus Is a Heavy Frigate. the length of 7 football fields

    5.4 years ago
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    40.2k Typhoon03

    What sort of spacecraft is that?

    5.4 years ago
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    7,875 MTakach


    CRSF Argus: *This is the CRSF Argus to HomeBase, over. We have an unknown form of contact coming from one of Saturn's moons, over? *

    5.4 years ago
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    1,921 CaptainEssen

    Got it.

    5.4 years ago
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