With 1.9 currently in development, I would like to take some time to list some ideas I had for the game:
•more nozzle types for the BFE150
•ability to enable/disable variable nozzle via XML
•ability to select input for variable nozzle via XML
•aircraft catapult part with multiple types (carrier catapults [hydrolic, steam, electromagnetic] and swinging catapults [the type back in the world wars where you could launch aircraft off of cruisers and battleships])
•arresting cable part (works with arresting hook)
•procedural jet engines
•more airports (including one for PC Maywar)
•settings for torpedoes (depth, speed, max drop altitude, max drop speed, etc)
Yes @Jerba
Maybe under water camera’s for us IPad pesants @Zoomzoom999
The 'more airports' may not be entirely possible at least on mobile because of the extra lag it will most likely create. Yes, most new phones could handle it with no sweat, but even just slightly older devices ( such as my 7th Kindle fire 10) will struggle from the cpu load. Simpleplanes is for everyone to enjoy, not just 150 people with $1000 phones.
How about.... SP 1.9 update aquatic
This is not very mobile friendly.
Don't forget to add depth setting for torpedoes!
What about more airports? :(
Or just add the variable engines from SR2.
Specific requests for 2D and 3D thrust vectoring nozzles.
What's pretty much confirmed is some of the thingies WNP78 will make. Which is very dope.
@AndrewGarrison @WNP78