Ima take a poll
1. B-17 VOTES:2
2. Iphone 7 VOTES: 1
3. Xbox controller VOTES: 1
4. A spawnable island like random's. VOTES: 2
5. Your idea VOTES: cessna turbo stationair, futuristic VTOL, iPhone 2g,
Ima take a poll
1. B-17 VOTES:2
2. Iphone 7 VOTES: 1
3. Xbox controller VOTES: 1
4. A spawnable island like random's. VOTES: 2
5. Your idea VOTES: cessna turbo stationair, futuristic VTOL, iPhone 2g,
i have my own idea you should make iphone 2g (first iphone ever)
A futuristic VTOL !
K @Viper3000ad
Cessna turbo stationair , classic but not very usual ! Who would like to see an Iphone? It's square and ugly...
1 2 3 4
B 17
I vote 0