Hello Insmallsky. It is a pleasure for you to read this. I just saw your new ship.
How long did that take? The details are so vivid and everything is balanced. Excellent design.
So anyways I typed this as a request. Simply one does not ask for permission for credits or items from such a high level. How does it feel to have not one but TWO mods upvote something.
Back on track, I would like permissions to experiment with your weapons. I just want a couple. Seriously, you are awesome. Its like having breakfast with pewdiepie. Keep in touch.
Living Life,
@Insmallsky thanks dude.
Aww, I thought this was you wanting weapons from other users.
I would've suggested this.
I received it.
It took me about a week from the beginning to the end of my work.And spent some time studying manipulation and weapons.
Weapons can be disassembled and used. Note the rotation axis between barrels. It is used to point the turret at the same direction.(If that's what you mean)
It's the translated text that's a little strange.Hope you don't mind.
@insmallsky please read this