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Build the best thing challenge

2,688 Ayvieyation  5.3 years ago

I know I haven’t upload in a while, but I’m back!!! I, being the stupid person I am, immediately put up a challenge. I couldn’t think of something for you guys to make, but I thought, you guys are creative! Do what you normally do! Please join. I beg you. It will be fun. I hope.


Winners get prizes!!!

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    2,688 Ayvieyation

    That pretty much sums it up. @Minecraftpoweer

    5.3 years ago
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    This is pretty much a way for you to get free points. People are supposed to build anything they want but it has to be a successor to your thing. Like yeah the 1st place winner gets like 15 upvotes or whatever but if everything combined gets 60 upvotes you'll basically get the equivalent of 30

    +2 5.3 years ago