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Boredom Form

4,215 IlikeToFlyandcrash  5.4 years ago

This is for people who have too much time like me.

You can talk about.
1. A story
2. This weeks topic
3. Anything you want to.

Any suggestions are happily welcomed.


Sorry I will be gone till 10:00pm

Last updated Friday October 5, 8:24am

Tonight’s topic!

Bank robbery!

BK- Bank robber
PO- police
BM- bank manager
OOK- spy
OOM- spy’s handyman

For newcomers here is how it works!

First you pick your character.
Second you start talking, like this

How do we stop them?!
—————-Someone else responds,
I don’t know but listen carefully (whispers)*tells plan. (Use effects)

Pick your character and run with the story!
Ps. New topic every night.