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New Submarine Needs help Dont Ignore!

3,958 TheMitsuboshiBoi  5.4 years ago

I simply tried all the methods but simply will not work
The saori Recon sub is execellent according to someone who thinks submarines will work
I Simply dont have the time for testing Prototypes that "FAIL" The Pitch= Raise dive Excistanse
These Sub Prototypes i make "Fail" Due to not knowing how to Controll the gyro Correctly
Nor the VTOL Worked and neither the old piston method. I get bored doing this for hours due to me giving up becuse i have autisim. Its hard to do things for so long you see. These Submarines have Failed Due To Mintlynx's Minor Help and information on correctly using these Boats in a manor Which will simpley will not work I have asked Several Submarine Experts such as
Aichi sora ni
And yet still no awnsers just plain ignorance
I am thinking of never doing Submarines again in the official Saori Vehicles Management And Prototype Realated things to do with submarines
Such as!
Prototype 1
Prototype 2
Piston FAIL
Prototype 3
Gyroscopic FAIL
.... neither do these idea's work yet i cant figure how to make the subs longer and dive and raise etc.
I dont know how to make a accurate Proppeller
That rotates Forever!
The only thing upcoming i have Succesfully made is a Failure so much if. Saori is near Never making Submarines Again.

Thats important dont ignore it.
Youre's Honestly...

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    Pinned 5.4 years ago
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    639 Sovjetair

    i havent made a single submarine yet but im making this comment to help this post reach a bit more attention.

    5.4 years ago
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    @randomusername XD ×2

    5.4 years ago
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    @randomusername lol sort of XD

    5.4 years ago
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    71.5k MintLynx

    I have Aspergers and ADD alike, and I figured out how to make my subs on my own. I made my submarines with ZERO help. All I did was take what I learned mainly from willy1111's submarine, made it work with a better engine, advanced and refine my technique over time. randomusername couldn't be more right, you need to deal with your failures and figure out how to overcome them. That's what I did, I've had several failures and problems in making my submarines work. I kept at it, figured out solutions, and have gone on to make the subs you see from me now.
    You're not going to get anywhere expecting other people to do the hard technical work for you. If you truly want to make submarines, you should be willing to work things out yourself. If you're not, and trying to figure it out is 'boring' to you then perhaps submarines aren't for you and you should set your sights on something simpler. If not that, stick to the simpler piston method commonly see.
    Submarines of this kind are a more advanced kind of build, you're not going to just make one within a few hours until you've fully familiarized yourself with a reliable method. If you're unwilling to put the work and trial-and-error into it, you should stick to something simpler, maybe build something simpler than submarines if you can't figure pistons out.
    Think about whether you truly enjoy the building process. If you don't, consider building simpler. That's my final word, so stop asking me.

    +2 5.4 years ago
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    @TheMitsuboshiBoi add fuel in the block. I noticed that buoyancy is greatly increased when there’s fuel in a block.

    5.4 years ago
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    @TrislandianAlliance idk

    5.4 years ago
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    Wait What? Piston System Doesnt Work? How? Is It So Big That The Weight Just Overcome The Buoyancy?

    5.4 years ago
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    11.2k HarrisCraft


    5.4 years ago