"Agamemnon to NovrdLisch, Agamemnon to NovrdLisch..."
At 11:45 an Osprey II flying SCAP detected a fleet of BoC ships, six cruisers and eight destroyers. A trap was quickly set.
The battle began as the SWS Thunderer fired six homing torpedoes into the fleet, sinking two destroyers. With the Brotherhood's attention diverted six Dark Arrows from the Agamemnon swooped down and blasted apart three cruisers, losing one aircraft. The Agamemnon then contributed her firepower, destroying a cruiser and a destroyer. The enemy fleet fled, but ran into a squadron of Warburg Navy warships.
The two fleet's met head on, and in a matter of minutes of the melee forming the superiority of the Warburg gunnery became apparent. By 13:40 only one cruiser remained firing, the rest sunk or sinking. The Warburg vessels took damage, but shrugged it off with ease. At 14:03 the last BoC ship's magazine detonated, blowing apart the ship and damaging a nearby Warburg destroyer.
Later that afternoon a single Gloster Freive swept across the site of the battle, the setting sun striking the wings. The lone aircraft's sensors picked up nothing, just two Dark Arrows cleaning up a drifting lifeboat. All was silent.
Allied Losses:
1 Dark Arrow destroyed.
1 UH-60 Black Hawk destroyed in landing accident.
1 cruiser damaged.
3 destroyers damaged.
67 killed.
39 wounded.
BoC Losses:
6 cruisers sunk.
8 destroyers sunk.
Estimated 3,269 killed.
4 captured.
Pilot landed too close to the side of the ship and the aircraft went over the side.
The Captain reckons that those ships were the last remaining BoC units.
Yet another win for us, another defeat for the BoC.
We have room in NovrdLisch, shall we take them?
If we have nowhere else to put them.
I would have included the Deutschland, but Wright Island was in the way. We have captured four prisoners, shall we fly them to the Deutschland?
Dang it! I missed the fun part.