My F/A-155C Golden Eagle is done being built and now I'm currently doing the description. It should be out soon, the latest is sunday.
I'm hoping it will get me to 10K
My F/A-155C Golden Eagle is done being built and now I'm currently doing the description. It should be out soon, the latest is sunday.
I'm hoping it will get me to 10K
@Operationalsupremacy ok
@Armyguy1534 I’ll post the fuselage, and you can add the wings and stabilizers and then repost it
@Operationalsupremacy ok
@Armyguy1534 I can make the fuselage, can you make the wings and control surfaces? FYI the whole horizontal stabilizer moves.
@Operationalsupremacy sure
@Armyguy1534 do you want to collaborate and make an F-14? We could use some parts from the golden eagle. They’re pretty similar aircraft.
@armyguy1534 great.
@Operationalsupremacy yes under 220 parts
Can’t wait to download it. Will it be mobile friendly?