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My Simple planes life (how I started)

1,348 Magnotti  9.2 years ago

So it all started at one plane I really loved that was a bomber (forgot name of it). So I made a new version called Bomber emergency escape. we're you activate 2 and you fly out of it. I thought it was the best idea ever and I posted it. Sure enough even today (it would be hilarious if someone upvotes it while I'm typing) I dont have any upvotes on that plane but I did get some downloads. I made another plane called ROCKET!! and another one called ROCKET!! v.2. Then a guy called Exu umer downloaded it band commented good job( I think). And I was probably the happiest person on earth that someone liked it. But then there was an update that made me crash the game and I could not play it anymore. several weeks later it updates again (yes I kept simple planes I liked it that much) I WAS ABLE TO PLAY! I decided to create a plane for fun called racecar (I think that was it) I really liked it so I posed it just for fun and I got liked . now I'm here. It's all about the fun not fame. I know I wrote this and know one s reading it but you know I just saw someone else do it so I want to do one. (of course) Exumer is a courage giver and I also suggest his planes. Hope you read it! :)