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Off-Topic Question

2,815 Dullwolf  9.4 years ago

A lillypad grows Half it's size each day, on day 20 it is the size of the pond. How many days did the lillypad take to grow Half the size of the pond?

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    2,815 Dullwolf

    @CarterIndustries is that surposed to be a joke?

    9.4 years ago
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    8,472 Doge27

    @Skua @Earthbenderrwefa @IStoleYourMeme @icecoldlava And his name is John Cena!!!!

    9.4 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    @IStoleYourMeme whilst you're totally right, it actually doesn't change the answer from nineteen days. If the lily is 1 lake big on day 20, it was 0.6666... lakes big on day 19, and 0.4444... on day 18, so it still reached the halfway point on the 19th day

    9.4 years ago
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    1 day

    9.4 years ago
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    2,815 Dullwolf

    @IStoleYourMeme 7x8=56 and 14x4=56 so 7x8=14x4

    9.4 years ago
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    Both ratios lead to different numbers. @Dullwolf

    9.4 years ago
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    2,815 Dullwolf

    @IStoleYourMeme 7x8=14x4 no?

    9.4 years ago
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    Alright, now moving on to the math @Dullwolf

    9.4 years ago
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    2,815 Dullwolf

    @IStoleYourMeme sthop correctring thy grammaer

    9.4 years ago
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    This was poorly worded. Half its size =/= 2x its size. EDIT: Ex. if the pond was 32m^2 large, and the lilypad grew half its size (1.5x) from 1m^2 every day, the sequence would be 1, 1.5, 2.25, 3.375, etc, rendering the answer and its reasoning untrue. If it went up by a common ratio of 2, meaning it grew 2x its size daily, it would go: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 32, making the day before the last having half its size. There is no answer because there are no numbers in the sequence that are halves of each other.

    9.4 years ago
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    2,815 Dullwolf

    @icecoldlava correct, now this thread has died, enjoy

    9.4 years ago
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    1,954 icecoldlava

    Cuz if it's full size on day 20 then the day before it was half the size, the day before was day 19

    9.4 years ago
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    2,815 Dullwolf

    @icecoldlava your reasoning?

    9.4 years ago
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    1,954 icecoldlava


    9.4 years ago
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    2,815 Dullwolf

    Winner gets upvotes.

    9.4 years ago