I was wondering because I have never been and I just wanna know, like does it say your banned or something.
@RailfanEthan Wow, such description 👌
I've gotten banned twice, once because I lost my Sugar honey ice tea and once as a joke
You get sent to he🏒🏒
Hmmmm let me show you...
reason: because I don't like you
I've been banned before and that's all I remember from it
wanna see it for yourself?
you get banned
Its just like get banned in every online-multiplayer game's, Nothing special just a text how long you are banned and the reason for it
@RailfanEthan Wow, such description 👌
I've gotten banned twice, once because I lost my Sugar honey ice tea and once as a joke
You get sent to he🏒🏒
Hmmmm let me show you...
you are banned for 10.5 days
reason: because I don't like you
I've been banned before and that's all I remember from it
wanna see it for yourself?
you get banned
Its just like get banned in every online-multiplayer game's, Nothing special just a text how long you are banned and the reason for it