I will be building a 2007 Nissan Altima 3.5 SL it will have almost the same horsepower as it. This project will take awhile since I’m a noob builder.
Here is a link of what the car looks like.
I will be building a 2007 Nissan Altima 3.5 SL it will have almost the same horsepower as it. This project will take awhile since I’m a noob builder.
Here is a link of what the car looks like.
My Friend When Im Making Car In game And He Tries To Convince Me To Build The Real Thing: JUST DO IT, MAKE YOUR DREAM COMES TRUE
@WhiteKyuremGaming oh ok then
@Sm10684 lol I’m already like 10% done with the current project
dude, I like the Nissan Altima and all but it is the most early 2000's car you should build a sentra ser instead
@CrashFighter05 Tesla is good but they are crap at the same time they put the car batteries under the seats so if you get into a bad crash we’ll lets just say there are a lot of deaths rn
@WhiteKyuremGaming Huh... I've heard that a Tesla (can't remember the model) has been doing some street racing and that no one can beat him.
@CrashFighter05 I plan to get one tho cause this version irl comes with a v6 I plan to do street racing vids with it
Cool! That's the most generic car I can think of though lol.