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Mods not working

158 Implosionstrikez  5.3 years ago

Me, on my android tablet because my laptop broke, asks of you people for something... mods aren't showig on homescreen nor where they are and i need help on why, or if i can enable them somewhere else. Feel free to ask questions about my system, so we can crack this puzzle together.

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    Same. I selected to download with Google and I don't know how to select something else

    5.3 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars

    Well, in my expirence with numerous devices, when you download a .spmod-android, It shows up in your notifications. Tap on it, it either opens sp and downloads there or it asks you "what app do you want to open aircraft.spmod-android with?" or something like that. Wort case scenario, go to your downloads folder in your file manager and move the mod fie to Android/Jundroo/Simpleplanes/Mods and paste it there.

    5.3 years ago