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Modding autopilot features

688 Zuikaku  5.3 years ago

So, Simpleplanes support a feature where player controlled aircrafts can be piloted by AI with the press of "Enter" key. I notice it always says "wing level mode" when autopilot is activated, but from my experience there's only 4 AI modes and they can't be cycled between one another.

The 4 AI modes are: Wing level mode, Waypoint mode, Waypoint mode (for cars), and dogfight mode.

Although these modes are pretty adequate at what they're designed to do, there's still room for improvement. I'm just wondering, is there a possible way to mod these AI behaviours so that they perform better? Is there a way to add more behaviours that can be cycled through so a suitable control agressiveness can be chosen for different aircraft on the fly? If modding the AI behaviour is possible, which part of the modding package do I need to use?

I'm sorry if this is very fundamental. I am not new to programming, but I'm very new to modding anything, or Unity, so I'm kinda stuck at a point where I know where I should end up but don't know where to start.