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Project Stress-test

2,151 JaycoCat  5.3 years ago

Hi all!
I've created an airship, and not just some airship, I've created the Prydwen.

If you don't know where it's from, it's from Fallout 4, a game about a post-nuclear world where factions fight to survive, and the Prydwen is owned by a faction called the Brotherhood of Steel.

Anyway, enough of that.
I'm looking for people to test my build, find bugs and show how it handles. I'll of course tag you in the build and credit you as testers.


Throttle - 100% can take off from any airport
Yaw - Yaw
Pitch - Pitch
Roll - Nothing
Camera 1 - Bomb Sigh
Camera 2 - Rear Camera

EDIT - I'm a big dumb and forgot to add a link
Edit2 - Theres was a problem wioth it so here's the fix.