Diary of the Saltwater Monarch.
The 1st Grand Galactic Fleet arrived in NovrdLisch last Thursday to gun salutes and fly-pasts. The Marines paraded through the streets and the Eagle-Riders display team led whole squadrons over the fleet. A flotilla of Saltwater Navy warships escorted the Galactic Fleet into the Anchorage.
Captain Axis seemed a bit confused by the SWS Chieftain, asking why we used such an old dreadnought as our flagship. Fortunately he was suitably impressed by our armed forces after it was explained to him that Chieftain was a ceremonial ship valued for its historical significance. It is fair to say that the Golden Military enjoyed their meal on board the Chieftain.
They are obliging enough to give us a restricted tour of one of their own ships. The technology in those things is incredible! Only the SWS Agamemnon comes anywhere near them in terms of weaponry and is simply blown out the water by their propulsion systems, life support and most other technologies. I am happy to report that we are almost as advanced in terms of regeneration systems and 3D manufacturing, at least in the Agamemnon.
On Day Two we gave them a tour of our naval and coastal defences, using a pair of Scorpion-class torpedo boats that had recently returned from operations. They seemed impressed at the levels of security we had in place.
The Galactic Marines were understandably suspicious, but thawed a little after a day or two. In my meeting with Captain Axis he seemed to be a very nice fellow, if a bit blunt. He hoped that we could form a strong alliance and that our dimension, "D002" he called it, would be useful in their wars. I assured him that we sought nothing but friendship from them.
They are preparing to leave tomorrow. I told Captain Axis that the SWS Agamemnon would accompany them to ensure no attacks by aggressive factions. He thanked me, promising to do all he could to ensure that the relationship between the Golden Military and the allies was a good one.
[SPMRP] Honourable Visitors
40.2k Typhoon03
5.2 years ago
can you please stop tagging me on forms its so annoying
@TheFantasticTyphoon This is CRSS Jarman to Noverlisch command, requesting immediate deployment of Fallen Angel Over? if allowed, Ground all Aerial Vehicles.
SWS Agamemnon is hunting down bombers! Our fighters have engaged the enemy! We have reason to believe that the Tiger Mafia have repaired their runway over night and managed to launch a last-ditch strike!
@TheFantasticTyphoon @CaptainEssen
We need Support!
The CRSS Jarman is above Noverlisch ready to deploy Fallen Angel. AAA on the Jarman is active.
Scrambling Libellules and Peregrines! Razorback strike fighters are also in the air.
AAA reads 15 Bombers, 20 fighters, and 13 Light bombers.
We have shot down two aircraft. The third is attempting a landing!
12 Cz-57's have been deployed, the Ships, up in space, and in the area have been notified.
Axis is in the Royal Bunker. AC-M47E Libellules have been scrambled.
Received. We have located the crash site of a Saltwater International Airways Drifter-C. Hellfire MAD-T defence turrets are firing upon the fighter aircraft.
Get Axis to a safe area, it's an Air Raid!
AAA reads a civilian Aircraft that is going down near the south side of Noverlisch. it also reads 3 Fighter type aircraft, following close behind.
Hello? Is anyone there?
Mayd-Static-clear a path static Going Down!! Static-end transmission
That is ... concerning to say the least.
Axis does have quite the varying character. He has shown interest in this Tiger Mafia, he might want to deal with them himself before he retunes to D001.