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Uploading New Planes Pointless?

3,407 Quintasoarus  9.3 years ago

We've all seen it. Big names populating the "Featured Aircraft" section, copies, reskins, and "GAIYS PLS HLP" planes all over the Newest tab.

What happened to the original stuff the community could pump out? I used to be able to see 20 new and amazing designs some afternoons, and every once in a while there would be a stellar plane that got a lot of attention. Now? Half the uploads aren't even planes, a quarter of the other uploads are just bronzes (oh the irony...) that spent 5 minutes on a straight piece of fuselage with wings. The other 25% remaining are the big users. SR, Delphinus, you know, those kinds of people.

But really what I'm saying here is that is there any point in making new planes and uploading them if more popular users are just going to make something and then the other 500 uploads within a week of their plane just get ignored?

Maybe I'm just salty. :/


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    so agree

    8.2 years ago
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    @Quintasoarus Look, I get this thread has been dead for almost a year. I know I haven't been around on this site as an account user very long, but I have played the game and downloaded planes for ages. I have seen some bronze builders make planes better than some golden players (not naming names, and not talking about you) and honestly, I get kinda sad when I see a bronze with 350 points and HUNDREDS of good planes. Can you help in something I believe in, if you see someone that makes good planes that has little upvotes, up vote them.

    8.4 years ago
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    1,577 2416creeper

    What kingdeadshot said the parents bought there kids this game when the Big update dame out.. I miss old times donut ye?

    9.3 years ago
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    I think we just need to teach people that if you didn't struggle making it, you shouldn't upload it. Seriously I see plane made of blocks and people think that we will like it. It's a steep learning curve but they need to learn that 2 wings and an engine is not good enough

    9.3 years ago
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    37.3k Rohan

    I agree. I dont know how the guy does it. I am in 8th grade and school is getting to the point of which I cant build

    9.3 years ago
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    12.9k Aviation

    You all are correct. In my case, I'd love to get more recognition, but that's honestly not the point. Just keep building and it'll all be fine :)

    9.3 years ago
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    15.9k Allstar

    Produce great work consistently*

    9.3 years ago
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    15.9k Allstar

    Keep in mind that alot of the best builders are in high school, college, or have occupations. Alot of us have lives to live and may be in positions where we can't post as often. I for one, am building an F-15. However, it's been on hiatus for a while, since my AP classes are a priority. These days, the only great builder that can be counted on to produce great work is probably @Cjredwards

    9.3 years ago
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    I 13 too lol and most of the stuff I made when I was 12 like the B&W seaplane and the Aqua Dromonem used to be the best wing built planes/boats @KingDeadshot

    9.3 years ago
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    Exactly the same, @Bakon

    9.3 years ago
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    1,796 Chesscube

    @Quintasoarus no way man!!!! Even though I'm bronze I'm trying to strive for the best quality airplanes that I can make and love sharing designs with my friends and other community members! If you need proof just take a look at my account! I made 1 bad airplane on purpose just for fun.

    9.3 years ago
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    2,074 Bmw1230

    It's best to find a signature piece unique to you and use that in each plane. Continue to make more planes. Teh more planes, the more u may get noticed. Sometimes experiment. I know what it's like to work hard and not get noticed

    9.3 years ago
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    6,432 Me600

    My planes have been so drowned out by the amount of bad planes, I barely get 10 download, let alown upvotes

    9.3 years ago
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    19.8k RocketLL

    @Bakon Please do not try to point out other users in public/mention their names, if something breaks the rules just report it.

    9.3 years ago
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    8,434 dsr1aviation

    I believe im one of the oldest players on here @26 yrs old. And so i say that all you teens and kids need to stop selling yourself short and just keep putting your best foot forward.

    9.3 years ago
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    37.3k Rohan

    Well, when I began I had like 0 5 star ratings for months. You cant see it now becuase Hypno rated all my planes. But look where I now! @SpiritusRaptor

    9.3 years ago
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    37.3k Rohan

    If you are trying to get better I can drill you! @KingDeadshot

    9.3 years ago
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    Perservere guys, we all started out at some time. Check out some of my ealier jets and the 0 votes I got... Just have fun, invest the time in ideas and see what happens...

    9.3 years ago
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    10.0k iiRazor

    I feel the same way. I am a preteen and I feel that age doesn't have to do with it. I admit kids my age sometimes submit cruddy planes, but kids need to boost self esteem and that stuff, and what better way for them to learn than through a game? Honestly I feel the best thing we can do to get rid of them is to either spoil them to make them feel like they need better or treat them like minors and have them quit...

    9.3 years ago
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    3,802 PuhBuhGuh

    @KingDeadshot I thought you said you were 11? Anyways, I do agree. Honestly, some of your planes are like that too though.

    9.3 years ago
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    3,407 Quintasoarus

    Thanks for the replies guys, glad to see I'm not the only one that feels this way.

    @KingDeadshot Yeah I have a feeling a lot of the newer users are younger kids that, hey, might be totally great at making stuff, and others who constantly post the same plane 5 times with a slightly different plane.

    9.3 years ago
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    139k BaconEggs

    I have to agree with you. Most of this stuff is just kids trying to look mature. I'm a kid myself, and I still make planes. Kids like homersdonut make very low quality, non- airplane, (well, 1/6 of his posts are airplanes) stuff. This has annoyed me alot really (just me, don't judge me).

    9.3 years ago
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    You are a pessimist

    9.3 years ago