Hello everyone!!
The main raison is my smartphone robbed few days. And the most of my creation and my project was saved on my SD card that was on my phone. For the moment I expect to receive a new phone in few days, and I hope I'll be able to play SP again.
For now I have only my old smartphone but its not powerful to run SP smoothly!
PS also I'll make some thing special to celebrate my 4 years of playing SP.
See you soon!!
@BuiltBionixInd10 xD also its because I am not native English speaker, and the phone that I am using now don't have auto correction.
Grammar has left the chat
@EternalDarkness that's true in fact I still have have one back up on my PC but they are old projects.
That's what happens when you don't make unlisted backups. I have all my projects backed up on the site in case something happens to my laptop.
@Destroyerz117 yeah I now it makes laughing when I read it the first time xD
@grizzlitn dw just poking fun ;), sucks that shit happened to you man good luck on getting the new phone!
@Treadmill103 @Awsomur @CrashFighter05 thank very much, I am very excited to receive my new phone, I think is the Samsung galaxy A30!!
@Shippy456 I was using a oppo A1K with 32gb of storage, and 2gb of ram, with a large screen with 6.2 inches, also my SD cart was about 64gb of storage space !!
@RAAF @Destroyerz117 @Trollium well I think I made a mistake to be honest I right it in French and not in English my mad, amd also I don't have a good internet connection with my old smartphone too !!
Hmm, yes, this is Raison.
Oatmeal and raisin cookies aren’t bad, unless you then they’re chocolate chip.
What kinda phone did you have? ( i know of no phone that has an SD card....
Meat too. @X4JB (me too)
man that sucks.
Too bad it was stolen, feels bad man. Good luck and I hope your new phone arrives soon!
Dang that sucks mate. Hope you can get a new phone quickly
I like raisins