How much time is put into
A. A dedicated plane that you really hope gets on the front page
B. A casual plane meant to entertain
How long does it take you to build a plane?
8,903 Garuda1ITalisman
9.3 years ago
How much time is put into
A. A dedicated plane that you really hope gets on the front page
B. A casual plane meant to entertain
A) anywhere from 20-50hrs. I'm currently working on an update of my F-18, and I've worked over 30hrs already. 99% of the time is fuselage and special features
B) about 2-5 hrs. I usually use these planes to test/learn new skills and techniques(I.e. Inlets made from structure panels, weapons bay, ectra).
A day or so for planning. A few hours for building the prototype and a few minutes to put together the actual plane. Also, a few minutes for tweaking the design.
Most of my planes are meant to entertain and perhaps spark some ideas in others. Depending on the plane though anywhere from 20 minutes to 1 hr. Thats just building time in game.
For me about 10 hrs for a mildly detailed plans like my b25 about 20 hrs for a larger build with an interior like my Trimotor for a cedco fighter about 5 hrs same for most cedcos I build larger cedcos like my b38 bomber about 7 hrs,ww2 fighters about 15hrs
A: ~10 hrs collective; about 2-ish a day on avg. B: 2-3 hrs, sometimes 4 if the plane is finnicky
from 1-20 hr
Depends. If I'm building a plane, 1 hr. If I'm rebuilding someone else's to make it better, it can take a while longer.
Ranging from a few minutes like this one to days.
It really all depends on the build. If I had to guess... I'd say that I put somewhere between 20-30 hours into my most recent posting.
It depends on the plane, if it gonna be to be a good one, it takes me around 5 to 7 hours, sometimes even longer :D