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XML Drag editing with regards to custom retracts

682 EternallySlaying  5.3 years ago

I'm almost done on my current project, but have the problem my drag is HIGHER with my gear retracted into the body of the aircraft, resulting in the sillyness that the aircraft goes faster (50 mph in level flight) with the gear out. I would still like to have the gear cause drag when down and have noticed the drag tag in xml. It has 6 values and I'm guessing that each one is a cardinal direction from the part. Would someone happen to know which value is what direction, and if I'm on the right track for this?

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    Well I was piddling around with the drag tag, and realized the game overwrites whatever you put in it on loading into the world. This is with the calculatedrag tag as either true or false. Thanks for the suggestions.

    5.3 years ago
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    28.1k Armyguy1534

    @EternallySlaying ok

    5.3 years ago
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    @Armyguy1534 That effects drag on the part in all orientations, so the best I could do with that is entirely disable the drag on the part so it doesn't affect speed at all. I may do that and try to basically put on an airbrake that behaves for my purpose better

    5.3 years ago
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    28.1k Armyguy1534

    dragScale= whatever scale drag you want, 1 is default

    5.3 years ago