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Nerfaddict's Tech explanation (AKA I'm bored and wanna post something, but not an Aircraft)

30.6k Nerfaddict  5.3 years ago

So as title says, I'm bored and not exactly in the mood to post a plane, but I still wanna post something. So let's get started, shall we?

Part-1: Materials
all the materials ever used by nerfaddict, real or fictional

-Type1 Carbex
A very versatile and durable material (About as strong as carbon nanotubes, yet half as dense as polystyrene) that has Been in use since almost the start of nerfaddict's production of original aircraft. Discovered to be semi-natural and fully renewable. As of the time of this post, it's becoming less widely used in favor of type2 carbex.
Used in:
Mostly standard

-Type2 Carbex
Similar to type1 carbex, but a tenth the weight and 5,000X Stronger and doesn't interact with air (Very useful for avoiding most forms of A.D detection)
Used in:
E-20, most automobiles

A now obsolete material used in the early days of aircraft production.
Used in:
E-10, AS-6 (only in older models), Test drone

The primary fuel used in aircraft and responsible for the ion blue exhaust. Also used in Plasma and laser Weaponry.
Used in:

A now considered obsolete and hazardous material due to it's explosive properties.
Used in:
E-10, AS-6, Test drone

Part-2: Weaponry
list of all weapons used

-Traditional gun
We all know how those work. No longer used (safety issues and extremely loud) and mostly forgotten.
Used in:

Considered a substantial upgrade to traditional guns in every way. It is still used today, but mostly used for planetary defence
Used in:
E-10,home planet Main defense system

-Repeating laser
The standard weapon used almost everywhere. Uses hydroquadroxide as fuel. Can also bore through even type2 carbex with enough power
Used in:

-Plasma point emitter
A unique weapon that does not display any destructive qualities. It works by generating a 12' point of plasma, then fires it off at very high velocities. Upon contact, it can overload even the most electrically secure systems, but can be defused by electrical redirection. However, it can be particularly lethal towards most life as it can shutdown pretty much every system in the body if fired in that way.
Used in:
Anywhere necessary

You've seen them before. Rarely used in conjunction with a plasma point emitter.
Used in:

Part-3: Detection
Basically anything that can detect other things

Now obsolete and forgotten

-Aero.Displacement (A.D) detection
The common form of detection used around airports and military bases. It can be used to detect the air distorted behind most aero wings (F-22 won't help you here). The only known aircraft undetectable by this near unbeatable form of detection is the E-20.

-Photon anomaly detection
A form of detection that uses the contrast between photons (light) (If something shows a high enough contrast from everything else around It.)

Other detection types and what they find
-Megnafield (magnetic fields)
-Gravatial warp (Gravitational waves)

Part-4: neural Tech
anything that involves any part of the nervous system(These are mostly control methods)

-SB.M.T (Sublimitive micro tech)
A tech form used exclusively on the E-20. It's not fully known how it works (actually it's classified, just act normal). But what we do know is it is a nanomorphic material that can translate a person's brain inputs to the aircraft in a way that makes flying the E-20 (according to the pilots that fly this technological marvel) as normal as walking. This means that the E-20 is normally piloted to it's full potential.
Used in:

-Biosignal Navigation
An experimental tech only used on ONE E-20 airframe. This was (Mathematically) shown to have more effective control. Further testing was Halted after an extremely dangerous flaw was found in the design (see Incident document 143) which showed this system could be very easily hacked. This resulted in the death of the only known test pilot after a security breach from an unknown source disabled all forms of pilot control. The prototype E-20 was then remotely flown back to base and permanently grounded. While it is still flight worthy, all fuel has been removed to avoid
Used in:
E-20 Model No.1273

Anyone who knows ace combat 3 electrosphere knows this control system. It is the same thing, no variations
Used in:
Almost all aircraft and automobiles

Part-5: other tech

Another E-20 Exclusive. Works like normal control surfaces

-Active laminar flow
Again E-20 Exclusive. Used to avoid A.D Detection

End of explaination
Hopefully this should explain some things