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So some general info

46.5k Minecraftpoweer  5.3 years ago

So I won't be building a lot for like a week and a half? I'll try when I can.
This is because I have some national tests next week and the week after that.

Also I'll be moving in like 3 months. And we'll have to set everything up then and we wont have wifi until we order a router and pay for the..... thingy, you know you pay the company every month, yea that.

And I see a really juicy deal 200bit/s Upload and Download for like $35/month. Like damn thats better than what we have now, thats twice as good.

So yeah, in 3 months time somewhere I wont be posting something, if i even have anything ready by then.

Also I guess I can post what I have as a progress now:

It's not done yet, as you can obviously see.
There's a lot left, and eventually Awsomur will test it. And then eventually after the first eventually I will add something very special to it, that Awsomur will eventually test again.....

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    @CruzerBlade kinda a mix, based it off some 8x4 blueprint that I think was for a newer R model. And then I'm using pics for the cab from r400 and newer. So it's kinda just a mix from everything.

    +1 5.3 years ago
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    13.1k CruzerBlade

    @Minecraftpoweer Cool
    Which model did you base off though? I guess it's based off some sort of Scania R Streamline, but I might be wrong

    5.3 years ago
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    @CruzerBlade it's based on one, but I changed some stuff to fit my needs and then I'll just come up with some name and then boom, since it's not a replica people cant say I did something wrong in the scania truck

    5.3 years ago
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    13.1k CruzerBlade

    Hol up
    Is that a Scania

    5.3 years ago