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Alright, time to fix my stuff

8,044 FlyingBathtub  5.2 years ago

I need some more background for my planes, so I'm establishing a few things here, as follows;
Country: Baslinomia
Companies founded here:
Davis Aeronautics International|Founded 1922
Júlepiér Aerospace|Founded 1907
Hulúyanya|Founded 1933
Jalipeniala LTD.|Founded 1952
Duchess Int.|Founded 1905
Kilominakol Inc.|Founded 1926
And finally,
Tavor Aerospace|Founded 1969
Allies of The Republic of Baslinomia:
N.A.T.O., U.N., E.U., U.A.E., Switzerland (Trading only)
Most well-recieved plane from country: Duchess D-834 Falcon(Supersonic Interceptor, 1992)
Location In the world: Eastern Europe
Total Population: 203,762,134
Land area: 4,034,000SqMs
Fastest plane ever produced:
Duchess D-837A Pheonix(1,734.9mph at 47,763ft)

Edit: If I can figure out how to post photos on android, I'll post concept art for the planes I listed above