So I was thinking I wanted to make an artificial magnet with the use of guns so XML edited the gun and adding impactForce then put the negative value to -100 are there any ideas
So I was thinking I wanted to make an artificial magnet with the use of guns so XML edited the gun and adding impactForce then put the negative value to -100 are there any ideas
@CruzerBlade oof
@ArcturusAerospace idk
@CruzerBlade How do you change the gun's firing input?
What if you set the input that fires the gun to an AG
@BuiltBionixInd10 Well negative impact force does what you'd expect, it brings the thing you're shooting closer towards you. You can even do it against the carriers.
@Minecraftpoweer is it possible?
The thing with this is that you have to keep shooting.
@Dilama4 @SledDriver