Tommorow (sunday) marks the 78th anniversary of the formation of Civil Air Patrol on December 1st, 1941.
Civil Air Patrol is the United States Air Force Auxiliary.
Tommorow (sunday) marks the 78th anniversary of the formation of Civil Air Patrol on December 1st, 1941.
Civil Air Patrol is the United States Air Force Auxiliary.
Yeah lol @Thelegitpilot13
@jamesPLANESii oh sorry, must’ve confused you with someone else.
@jamesPLANESii rip
I’m not a member and live in NZ rip @Thelegitpilot13
Hey, @jamesPLANESii, better not miss out on this occasion!
@PositivePlanes it’s a civilian organization that works closely with the USAF.
@Thelegitpilot13 I'm a C/A1c
I’m also a cadet, C/CMSgt to be precise. Happy birthday, CAP!