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Important Great Information [Been Updated A Bit]

3,958 TheMitsuboshiBoi  5.3 years ago

Anonimosu has given me 'Thee' Go ahead to countine her Super Zero series.
Why This?
Becuse i like fiction Zero's
And welp shes open! Thats why shes my best friend
Sorta speak
So full credit goes to her!

If youre Not convinced she said yes
Its on discord.

other things
I made a new company
and they will be aircraft related
. . .
Oofer thing's
the type 1 super zero will be here today maybe
it seems mosu has beaten me to it
by making Yet Another Fictional Zero

that's it for now..
and I may be releasing a A-10 ThunderBolt sooner or later
So keep a Good Eye on my Post's